The Anthill team all has one thing in common – we have all been deskless workers and/or have loved ones who are deskless workers. We get what it’s like. Understanding and caring for the deskless workforce is a hallmark of our team, our product, and our WHY. Our founders, Muriel and Young Jae, have a shared passion to build solutions that made work better. They met in a PhD program studying industrial-organizational psychology (aka: the science of people at work). They spent six years together doing field research with deskless workers, studying people science and machine learning methods, and working with companies implementing solutions to help them engage and retain their toughest to reach employees. All of this work culminated in a decision to take the solutions they had developed and create a scalable software that more companies and employees could benefit from.
In February of 2020, Anthill was born. Right away, companies saw the value of what Anthill was doing and the impact it has on organizations. We’ve grown fast and are now a team of 32 with office in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Yerevan. And we are just getting started!
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