What is Codelia?
Codelia is a headless CMS to develop websites and e-commerce. It has been created for developers and marketers to help them to solve common troubles while developing and managing web projects through usual CMSs.
With Codelia, a developer can develop websites and e-commerce by using any programming language and framework with maximum flexibility. All the content managed through the back-end, can be obtained through the API in JSON format. This feature gives to the developer maximum flexibility while developing, and also it helps to increase the website - or e-commerce - loading speed by reducing the server response time in order to get green scores - over than 90% - on popular testing tools like GTmetrix and Google Page Speed.
In addition to this, due to the JSON API, developers can manage all the content in the way they want, creating custom functions and features without standing to a specific database structure and to prebuilt functions as happens by working with a usual CMS.
Marketers can create, plan and manage content of multiple websites and e-commerce from one single place in a fast and flexible way. They can manage the entire content structure through some clicks, without asking help to developers.
With Codelia it's possible to manage the content without limitations, adding pages and elements - also called custom post types and content types - assigning custom controls to them and grouping them based on custom values or properties.
It's also possible to manage the e-commerce features, checking and collecting orders and customers based on a custom checkout flow, manage the inventory, shipping methods, payment methods, and add coupons.
The access to Codelia can be regulated through the user feature, by adding custom user roles and users to the platform, limiting or granting the access to specific people.
Successfull and failed logins are tracked to ensure the security of the platform, and security email alerts can be sent to a custom email address.