Sunday, August 6, 2017 #54987 Amanda from Mid-America Auto Sales We stated we only wanted the free monthly trial back in March. I canceled the account myself and we are still being charged in August. I have called in repeatedly with no word back from the "representative" I told we only wanted it for 30 days. Now they are telling me that they don't show were i've called and will prob only refund July and August. Poor poor poor customer service. Non of our lenders like this company and I see why. Don't sign up, you wont ever get out. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?
Thursday, June 25, 2015 #39695 Arnold Gonzalez from Ace Motors Sales reps lie about charges initially to sign you up and will not back up what they verbally say ... although they will clearly lie to you to sign up. They are very Deceptive on their business sign ups. I tried to rectify the confusion and they were rude and never responded and I was continued to be billed although I clearly stated what we agreed upon. 3 of 4 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?