doeLEGAL provides advanced information management tools and elevated support designed to provide corporate legal departments and law firms with anytime, anywhere control of cases and costs to help inform decision making and drive successful outcomes. Providing both eDiscovery functionality and Enterprise Legal Management (ELM) solutions, doeLEGAL is capable of lowering legal costs while boosting legal team efficiency. Visit for more information
ASCENT® provides SmartView Advanced Analytic Dashboards and SmartLink Outlook Integration. Together they deliver unmatched visibility and usability into matter data. ASCENT helps legal departments take data-driven actions that drive successful outcomes. doeLEGAL provides a complete suite of advanced capabilities:
doeDiscovery™ brings together the hosted eDiscovery solutions, services, and hands-on support that you need to tackle your most complex document review projects. Operating as virtual members of your litigation team, doeLEGAL’s eDiscovery experts take care of everything from culling and processing raw data to creating productions while proactively working with clients to define and implement eDiscovery strategies that:
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