Monday, June 12, 2023 #109371 Administrator from Surgery Center (11 - 25 Employees) Less than ideal experience with HST. Software is a mess. We'll be going back to SIS. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Monday, December 6, 2021 #98715 SCHEDULER from surgicenter (51 -100 Employees ) HST was pushed on us by corporate, or so I am told. We were told it would integrate with our other software better, but we have yet to see this. It is also NOT user-friendly, so many extra steps to accomplish the same thing we did in our old program, Advantx (which had it's issues too, but I would go back to it in a heartbeat!). I believe the only good thing about HST are the reports it can run. That's what I've been hearing anyway, is that running reports will show so much more information. Meanwhile it takes the rest of us who don't run reports, 3 times longer to do our jobs. I'm not exaggerating. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend 3 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?