Tuesday, January 3, 2017 #58256 Robb Price Managing our Event is SO MUCH EASIER NOW! I don't even know where to start. Instead of writing a novel (because I could) I'll be brief and to-the-point. We've been running a large event with over 7,000 people and 150 volunteers for 7 years now. We've used other providers and no solution even comes close to comparing to InitLive. The interface, pre-event for setting-up is intuitive and easy to use and the app for event day is AMAZING. InitInitLive made it so easy for us to communicate with our volunteers and make changes and adjustments. I even had volunteers, not in the event industry, come and find me to tell me how much they liked it. Probably the most important point I want to mention is that their customer service is OUTSTANDING. They are very available and extremely responsive. Thank you InitLive for everything, we look forward to working with you year-after-year! Did you find this review helpful?