Sunday, December 21, 2014 #28398 Sue Meyer from CortiSLIM I have been using Justuno for a short time and already have over 70 new people on our mailing list! I have needed a little extra help with the set up and found my Account Manager, Jenna simply fabulous! The service that Justuno offers is incredible - fast and efficient and really go the extra mile. There had been some glitches in trying to get everything set up to work properly, but I think a lot of it was my inexperience with the program. I really think this product has helped to increase sales! 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?
Monday, February 10, 2014 #12001 Vivian Robinson from retired My review is this is very annoying. When I am looking at something and this pops in I cannot read what I am looking at. I cannot delete the pop in, won't go away. What gives you the right to interfere with my computer? 0 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?