Monday, March 23, 2020 #78846 Norman Watson from watson plumbing & heating (2 - 10 Employees) I have had a problem trying to get my original price book put into profit Rhino format. I worked for one year transferring my tasks into their format. I was paying their monthly fees while this was being performed. When they change to a new company my tasks disappeared. Since Nov 2019 they have promised me my price book in a usable form. After talking to everybody in the company they continued to promise my work. I wrote a bad review and they answered they were currently working on returning my book. they sent me some parts of my tasks with no parts listed. After E-mailing Ron the VP of Profit Rhino several more times I haven't heard from him anymore. In other words, they lost my files and left me hanging. These people are all about money nothing else. This company caused me a lot of money because the right-hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. If any company wants to join this flat rate system please e-mail me at I feel I will prevent you from falling into that incompetent money pit called profit Rhino. Tradesmen work hard for their money I feel these kinds of people are leeches trying to suck easy money from working people Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Response from Profit Rhino:10 August 2020 at 05:22Norm, thank you for understanding when we discovered why you weren't receiving our messages, and for working with us to resolve the problems you were still having. And thank you for continuing to be a loyal customer! Please contact our office if you need any other assistance, we're here for you! 6 of 7 people found this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?