What is W3Dart?
W3Dart is an Advanced User Feedback Bug reporting & Issue Tracking tool. Every bug tracking tool provides features to upload an image or take a snapshot. But no Bug tracking tools allow you to record a video and audio to explain the complex bugs.
How it works : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_OjIrndIMo
Packed with all the key visual elements that make a robust review tool and infused with the new and revolutionary Video audio recording feature, W3Dart truly is the most comprehensive feedback platform ever built.
**Screen Recording with Video **
Deliver crystal clear feedback using personalized audio-visual clips. These include a video recording of your screen layered with a sound clip of your own spoken voice in the background. As we said, it’s time to show and tell.
Actionable Screenshots
Click and drag the W3Dart crosshair to capture the perfect screenshot. Then make the image come alive by pinpointing issues and snags using text boxes or a highlight marker or both. It’s that simple.
Seamless Integrations
To ensure an uninterrupted workflow, W3Dart features a two-way sync with prominent project management tools like Jira, Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Slack, and Monday. After all, we’re here to make life easier, not harder.
Unique URL for each Bug
Each bug reported gets its own unique URL! The user simply clicks on the link and is taken to the exact location of the bug, either on a page or in design.
Creative / Design Agencies
Wanting a small change here and a minor tweak there sounds easy enough, but conveying that to someone sitting miles away is where the real challenge lies.
Software / Web Development Firms
Software firms and their clients are in a constant back and forth, with the former always looking for ways to make their employees more productive and the latter to make their software more effective.
Freelancers / Project Managers
Freelancers and project managers are born multi-taskers. Too Many Tasks. Too Little Time. It goes without saying then that they need a feedback tool to match.
SaaS Enterprises
SaaS enterprises enable organizations to carry out a variety of business functions such as CRM, ERP, web hosting, and data management over the internet. Sounds demanding, doesn’t it?